I recently moved to Switzerland where they speak and write in German.
I need to learn the German equivalent swim terms (so I understand the coaches).
Are there any German speaking swimmers out there who can help?
I'm looking for things like:
pull set
kick set
16 years ago I moved to Germany, and my coach wrote workouts on the board, which was good for a person whose German at that point consisted of not much more than counting. Since we didn't really speak each other's language, most of our communication went through a friend of mine who was fluent in both. He used Pd to indicate paddles, Pu to indicate pullbuoy, Be (for Beine, meaning legs) to indicate kicking. Schmetterling is fly, Rücken is back, Brüst is ***, and Kraul is free. Lagen is IM. Beliebig means choice, einschwimmen is warmup and ausschwimmen is warmdown. Staffel-wechseln is relay (Staffel) starts. Tau (perhaps tauchen?) indicated underwaters. We had two tempos, GA1 and GA2; I think the first one was cruise, the second hard. T-ü (technische übüng or something like that) meant drill. Auf die Plätze means take your mark. Fertig, los means ready, go. My spelling may be all off here, but hopefully this helps a little.
16 years ago I moved to Germany, and my coach wrote workouts on the board, which was good for a person whose German at that point consisted of not much more than counting. Since we didn't really speak each other's language, most of our communication went through a friend of mine who was fluent in both. He used Pd to indicate paddles, Pu to indicate pullbuoy, Be (for Beine, meaning legs) to indicate kicking. Schmetterling is fly, Rücken is back, Brüst is ***, and Kraul is free. Lagen is IM. Beliebig means choice, einschwimmen is warmup and ausschwimmen is warmdown. Staffel-wechseln is relay (Staffel) starts. Tau (perhaps tauchen?) indicated underwaters. We had two tempos, GA1 and GA2; I think the first one was cruise, the second hard. T-ü (technische übüng or something like that) meant drill. Auf die Plätze means take your mark. Fertig, los means ready, go. My spelling may be all off here, but hopefully this helps a little.