Top Ten link

Former Member
Former Member
I've been having trouble getting to the USMS Top Ten site the last two days. Anyone know if there is a URL change? thanx, Mel Dyck
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Emmit wrote "Simply consider the guy who placed 11th in a BIG, competitive LMSC (like Pacific) in the 30-35 age group and thus didn't get sent on for National TT consideration. I don't think it likely that his time would be slow enough not to be a legitimate T40 listing. But if it isn't submitted, it wouldn't make the list. The 12th place guy (and mebbe even the 30th place guy) might also be in the same boat" I am not saying that it is impossible to get it wrong using top ten data, but I am saying that, based on real life experience, it is extremely unlikely. My quick study showed that 11th in one age group was (again, in real life experience) about what you need to get top 40 in all ages. I contend we have top 15 or so based on the LMSC data provided (but its not 100% guaranteed, I admit). I'd like someone (In particular Emmitt) to come up with a real life example where 10th place in an LMSC agegroup top ten was top ten in USMS, much less top 40 in USMS over all ages. While possible, I contend it has never happened.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Emmit wrote "Simply consider the guy who placed 11th in a BIG, competitive LMSC (like Pacific) in the 30-35 age group and thus didn't get sent on for National TT consideration. I don't think it likely that his time would be slow enough not to be a legitimate T40 listing. But if it isn't submitted, it wouldn't make the list. The 12th place guy (and mebbe even the 30th place guy) might also be in the same boat" I am not saying that it is impossible to get it wrong using top ten data, but I am saying that, based on real life experience, it is extremely unlikely. My quick study showed that 11th in one age group was (again, in real life experience) about what you need to get top 40 in all ages. I contend we have top 15 or so based on the LMSC data provided (but its not 100% guaranteed, I admit). I'd like someone (In particular Emmitt) to come up with a real life example where 10th place in an LMSC agegroup top ten was top ten in USMS, much less top 40 in USMS over all ages. While possible, I contend it has never happened.
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