RIP Emmett Hines, 1956-2016

Former Member
Former Member
I am very sad to report the passing of Emmett Hines, a longtime Masters coach and volunteer from Houston, Texas. The following is posted on the Gulf LMSC website: Long Time Friend & Volunteer Passes The Gulf LMSC mourns the passing of longtime friend and volunteer in United States Masters Swimming, Emmett Hines. Emmett had served on the Gulf LMSC as the Top Ten Coordinator for many years and was the Director and Head Coach of H2Ouston Swims since 1981. He was the 2014 winner of USMS's Dorothy Donnelly Service Award, given by USMS for outstanding volunteers. A featured speaker at the ASCA World Clinic and the Pacific Swimming Coaches Clinic – two of the largest swim coach’s clinics - Emmett was also selected as the USMS coach of the year in 1993 and was one of the few people to hold the ASCA Level 5 Masters Certification in coaching. A multi-faceted person, Emmett was also an accomplished author who loved guitar, cooking, computers, rifle and pistol marksmanship, camping and spending time with his family. Emmett was a longtime Masters coach and was named the USMS Coach of the Year in 1993. More information about Emmett is available on the USMS website on his Swimmer Info page.
  • I am sorry to hear about Emmett's passing. I didn't know him but he had a few entertaining comments at convention over the years. Below is a cut and paste from a post from Emmett on our old Forums from about 15 years or so ago: USMS Discussion Forums – Humor in Swimming This happened back in the '80s while I was still managing athletic and recreation facilities at the University of Houston. One day one of my lifeguards called me to indicate he was having a problem with a stubborn lady smoking a cigarette in the indoor pool area -his manager wasn't around and he wanted to know what to do. I went over to the pool to investigate. 50ish, stylishly dressed and impeccably coifed, this woman was sitting on the bleachers beside the pool just fuming away. I went down there and politely informed her that smoking was prohibited anywhere within the athletic complex, pointing out the big "Swimmers at Work -Positively No Smoking" sign. I indicated that she would have to take it outside. While there were a couple divers at the far end of the natatorium stretching, swim workout wasn't due for another 30 minutes and there were no swimmers actually in the pool at the time. She indicated as much, saying that I had no right to tell her when or where she could smoke -not only was she not going to take it outside, she was going to sit there and smoke it down to the filter, then light up another one while she waited for her friend to meet her. Somewhat taken aback, I indicated that if she refused to leave or put out the cigarette I would have to call Campus Police. "Do what you have to do, young man," she said, punctuating it with another drag on her cigarette. I shrugged my shoulders, turned and headed across the deck toward the hotline phone. All of a sudden, something stirred within me, presenting me with a flash of inspiration that put an impish smile on my face. I stopped mid-deck, put my hands in my pockets and slowly turned to saunter back across the deck, biding my time as my newly inspired response to her afront gathered coherence and force. I could see, through her noxious cloud, the puzzled look on her face as I approached. She looked even more surprised when I sat down right beside her and then scooted even closer. I said "You know, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Feel free to stay here as long as you like." With that, I leaned away from her, lifting one cheek in her direction and proceeded to rip off the longest, most impressive gaseous expression you could imagine -a real window rattler. With jaw dropped and eyelids peeled back she lept off the bleacher and before the reverberations ceased she was scurrying out the door, trailing wisps of smoke all the way. From the other end of the pool I heard clapping, laughing and hoots from the divers. It just goes to show -you never know when a big evening meal of pintos, onions and cheese will come in handy. Over the years there have been numerous situations where I would have loved to again been able to conjure up such an offering for a smoker inflicting his/her habit on others in inappropriate places. But it was too perfect to ever be granted me again. It was unprofessional, I know -adolescent even. But I never saw that lady in the facility again. There is one thing I'd change, though, if I had it to do over again -I think I'd ask her to pull my finger.
  • I am sorry to hear about Emmett's passing. I didn't know him but he had a few entertaining comments at convention over the years. Below is a cut and paste from a post from Emmett on our old Forums from about 15 years or so ago: USMS Discussion Forums – Humor in Swimming This happened back in the '80s while I was still managing athletic and recreation facilities at the University of Houston. One day one of my lifeguards called me to indicate he was having a problem with a stubborn lady smoking a cigarette in the indoor pool area -his manager wasn't around and he wanted to know what to do. I went over to the pool to investigate. 50ish, stylishly dressed and impeccably coifed, this woman was sitting on the bleachers beside the pool just fuming away. I went down there and politely informed her that smoking was prohibited anywhere within the athletic complex, pointing out the big "Swimmers at Work -Positively No Smoking" sign. I indicated that she would have to take it outside. While there were a couple divers at the far end of the natatorium stretching, swim workout wasn't due for another 30 minutes and there were no swimmers actually in the pool at the time. She indicated as much, saying that I had no right to tell her when or where she could smoke -not only was she not going to take it outside, she was going to sit there and smoke it down to the filter, then light up another one while she waited for her friend to meet her. Somewhat taken aback, I indicated that if she refused to leave or put out the cigarette I would have to call Campus Police. "Do what you have to do, young man," she said, punctuating it with another drag on her cigarette. I shrugged my shoulders, turned and headed across the deck toward the hotline phone. All of a sudden, something stirred within me, presenting me with a flash of inspiration that put an impish smile on my face. I stopped mid-deck, put my hands in my pockets and slowly turned to saunter back across the deck, biding my time as my newly inspired response to her afront gathered coherence and force. I could see, through her noxious cloud, the puzzled look on her face as I approached. She looked even more surprised when I sat down right beside her and then scooted even closer. I said "You know, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Feel free to stay here as long as you like." With that, I leaned away from her, lifting one cheek in her direction and proceeded to rip off the longest, most impressive gaseous expression you could imagine -a real window rattler. With jaw dropped and eyelids peeled back she lept off the bleacher and before the reverberations ceased she was scurrying out the door, trailing wisps of smoke all the way. From the other end of the pool I heard clapping, laughing and hoots from the divers. It just goes to show -you never know when a big evening meal of pintos, onions and cheese will come in handy. Over the years there have been numerous situations where I would have loved to again been able to conjure up such an offering for a smoker inflicting his/her habit on others in inappropriate places. But it was too perfect to ever be granted me again. It was unprofessional, I know -adolescent even. But I never saw that lady in the facility again. There is one thing I'd change, though, if I had it to do over again -I think I'd ask her to pull my finger.
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