Cleaning while swimming

Former Member
Former Member
An ongoing battle in my Aquatic Center (AC) is that cleaning staff use cleaning agents to clean windows, all the metal fixtures (and there are lots of them), 3 shower stalls, and floors while people are swimming, at at prime time - lunch hour times from 12 to 2. Despite my pleas to clean after hours, they insist that the cleaning be done while we are swimming. I know many will get on my case about this, but I've been a die hard runner/swimmer, tennis player for 35 years. I value my health and breathing in cleaning chemicals just seems to contradict the point of exercising. My argument is that they wait until classes empty out before cleaning, yet feel no need to do the same in the AC. If I could find another AC, I would leave, but I don't feel this a battle I should have to fight in this milennium. Oh, and I'm a senior who suffers chronic sinus infections. Ironically, they don't enforce the shower rule, and that really skeeves me out.:bitching:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Wanted to update "Fitness and Wellness Center's" decision about my request to clean after hours or at the end of the day. They agreed to keep the cleaning staff out of the Aquatic Center for 2 hours a day. Although I appreciate it, esp. since the times fall within my usual workout time, it leaves me in a position of having to inhale toxic chemicals if I have to workout earlier or later times in a given day. I am just recovering from pneumonia, despite trying to do everything possible to stay healthy. If I could find another pool nearby, I would join, but this is it for me. The bottom line is they have a new cleaning company, and apparently, cleaning is done at the cleaning staff's convenience and schedule. Argghhh. It makes no sense to me why they need to polish metal and shine windows while the center is full of people exercising (the majority of whom are seniors who already have compromised immune systems.) Should I thank them or continue on my quest to keep cleaning out of the center when people are exercising? They sure wouldn't do this in a spin class or yoga class. I can't find anything online regarding this issue.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Wanted to update "Fitness and Wellness Center's" decision about my request to clean after hours or at the end of the day. They agreed to keep the cleaning staff out of the Aquatic Center for 2 hours a day. Although I appreciate it, esp. since the times fall within my usual workout time, it leaves me in a position of having to inhale toxic chemicals if I have to workout earlier or later times in a given day. I am just recovering from pneumonia, despite trying to do everything possible to stay healthy. If I could find another pool nearby, I would join, but this is it for me. The bottom line is they have a new cleaning company, and apparently, cleaning is done at the cleaning staff's convenience and schedule. Argghhh. It makes no sense to me why they need to polish metal and shine windows while the center is full of people exercising (the majority of whom are seniors who already have compromised immune systems.) Should I thank them or continue on my quest to keep cleaning out of the center when people are exercising? They sure wouldn't do this in a spin class or yoga class. I can't find anything online regarding this issue.
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