Funding local pool to promote Masters

Recently, in our LMSC, we have had a year around pool that has an air filled dome be threaten to turn into a 3-4 month summer only outdoor pool. Masters was asked to make a contribution to help fund repairs. Our LMSC was discussing using funds to match contribution that master members made, since this pool has given us discount for 12+ year and is the site of one of our largest workout groups in LMSC. Is this a good use of USMS/LMSC fund to support local pools ? Has your LMSC helped other pools in crisis of closing or changing pool hours/seasons ? Anthony Thompson Missouri Valley Masters
  • While I could see an LMSC being involved in a fund raising drive, I would need to see a real compelling case before I’d recommend spending membership dollars on a single facility. Host a swim meet or swim-a-thon with proceeds going the facility, sure. But spending the dues from members who will have little to no contact with the pool seems like money not well spent. Especially considering that the fund raising needed to maintain a facility is significant. With that said, and seeing that the pool has been a friend to Masters Swimming for a long time; if I were in the LMSC I might suggest something like the LMSC leading a drive to match individual donations at 30%-50%, up to some LMSC acceptable limit. And if the pool isn’t a 501.C.3, the individual donations could be passed through the LMSC, making them potentially tax deductible.
  • I am speaking only to fairness not to legalities. It seems reasonable for those swimmers who use the pool to contribute financially in the support of their pool, especially if they have had the use for 12 years at a discount. If if is important to keep this pool open year round, either from LMS support or pool use fees, expect to pony up. Personally I have no choice but to pay $80 / month for YMCA membership to the only indoor pool within 45 minutes of my home plus another $40/month for the coached masters class. Or I could give up swimming 9 months of the year.