No - not that kind of streak swimming, you naughty monkey...
I was just wondering if anyone keeps track of the number of consecutive days that they have been swimming without a day off. You get to decide what distance/type of workout constitutes a workout, I suppose. The challenge here might be swimming on holidays unless you live in the South or southern California or unless you are a member of several pools including one at a Jewish Community Center (some are open on Christmas).
Does anyone keep track of total accumulated lifetime mileage/kilometerage (is that a word?)?
This sort of discussion is common in the running world (I had 11 years+ of racewalking without a day off until I injured my back), but I'm not sure I've ever seen it discussed in swimming.
Former Member
Ask your coach about the total distance you've swam... he has a record... most likely... :o
This is just my opinion; many others disagree, and it's a matter of taste.
Personally, I would not keep such records because I think it would motivate me to practice in a nonconstructive fashion for all the wrong reasons. We all admire Cal Ripken for his Iron Man streak, but we would be nuts to immitate him! Swimming day after day, without ever taking a day off, is merely courting overtraining, repetitive motion injury, or just plain injury injury because you never give your body a chance to recover. Moreover, you can't convince me that swimming every day of the week, instead of 6 (or fewer) days of the week with specific training objectives and work-outs designed to acheive them, does anything for you.
Even worse, keeping track of your total training yardage will put a premium on long, mindless, low-interval sets of freestyle. Where is stroke technique work? Where are the other 3 strokes? Where is the speed training? (Where is the liquor cabinet after such a long, boring workout?... But, I digress.) Paul Smith is one of the best sprint freestylers/butterfliers in USMS. He posted a typical workout week on this web site a few months ago. In the water he "only" goes 3-4000 yards per workout 3 times per week. Many swimmers match that if all you measure is total yards. But, Paul's workouts are highly focused. He also lifts weights and does yoga several times per week--zero yards, but goal oriented. I will never match the speed or acheivements of Paul Smith, but I do aspire to have a conditioning program as focused and intelligent as his.
I recognize and admire runners for their work ethic and their athletic accomplishments. However, I am in swimming because I do NOT want to be like them. Some swimmers like a "runner's" approach to their training, and their bodies can sustain it. That's cool; it's a big world and it takes all kinds to make it interesting. Before you jump on that bandwagon, however, ask yourself if it's taking you where you want to go.
There was an article in the Raleigh News and Observer recently about a fellow in his 80s who is approaching the 3000 mile mark in swimming. He started in the early-mid 1970s and goes 900 a day. I don't think he is registered as a Masters's swimmer.
Swim fast,
Points well taken. However, what I was getting at was not any form of advocacy nor a desire to participate in streak swimming. I was merely curious to see where the extreme elements would be. I suppose what I was really hoping for was stories of the type where "I did laps in my kid's wading pool one day when the pool was closed in order to keep my streak going." There is an association of "streak runners" and some of the stories that come out of that are interesting, if not a bit OCD.
As to total lifetime mileage, again, just curious.
For myself, I do prefer to do more swimming than less, if only because it is the only thing that controls my back pain and more swimming is definately better. WRT "people" like Paul Smith, I believe that they are the vanguard of some aquatic-based alien race intent on world domination. DNA testing would prove this.