Looking for other fellow Des Moines-area Masters swimmers

Former Member
Former Member
I know, I know - there's an Iowa LMSC forum category, but wanted to post here instead because that category looks like it doesn't get much traffic. Wanted to see if there was any other Des Moines area swimmers that have been lurking on USMS forums that'd like to get together and train. At the moment, I live in Waukee and am on master's team at Life Time Fitness in Urbandale. There's a handful of us on the team, and usually it's just my wife and I in the evenings (which is good for more personalized workouts). Personally, I've been doing masters swimming since 2011 (graduated college in 2009) and swam for teams in Chicago and Atlanta when living in those areas. Since coming back here, I've been perplexed by the small amount of masters swimmers in the area, given the large number of youth swim teams and large number of triathletes here! Anyway, thanks for hearing me out. And if you don't live here & you know folks, please share! Definitely want to try and grow the presence here!