'Real' butterfliers where are you? (or is it butterflyers?)

I'm pretty much only a freestyle/crawl stroke swimmer. I'll do lots of interval sets in the pool, but only swim very little of the other strokes. Often I'll just throw in an IM here and there just to break up the monotony. But I'm by no means proficient at those other strokes. Yesterday, as I rested after doing a 400 IM, the woman in the lane next to me (obviously an experienced swimmer) came to a stop and asks "Were you just swimming butterfly?" I told her I was and she responded "Hmm, ya don't see people swimming butterfly much anymore." Dan
  • Butterfly swimmer here, what do you want to know? I rarely do any butterfly sets any more, mostly due to lack of motivation. Even when I am raring to go, I don't do more than 5-600 yards per workout, it is the one stroke that will end your day early if over indulged. Crawl is similar enough to get the muscle groups strengthened and doing a lot of dolphin kick helps with abs if done correctly. Weight work also helps a lot and running stairs or stadiums helps with aerobic conditioning. glutes and leg strength. The last thing is something you cannot train for, it is genetic. Flexible shoulders are a giant help swimming fly, but are not required. Racing butterfly is best approached with the attitude that it is fun, otherwise it will surely not be.
  • Butterfly swimmer here, what do you want to know? I rarely do any butterfly sets any more, mostly due to lack of motivation. Even when I am raring to go, I don't do more than 5-600 yards per workout, it is the one stroke that will end your day early if over indulged. Crawl is similar enough to get the muscle groups strengthened and doing a lot of dolphin kick helps with abs if done correctly. Weight work also helps a lot and running stairs or stadiums helps with aerobic conditioning. glutes and leg strength. The last thing is something you cannot train for, it is genetic. Flexible shoulders are a giant help swimming fly, but are not required. Racing butterfly is best approached with the attitude that it is fun, otherwise it will surely not be.
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