Doping among masters athletes

Former Member
Former Member
At least this isn't a problem in USMS, right?
  • Who is going to pay for this drug testing? I don't think it is fair to take it out general membership since only 25% of our members participate in pool meets in any given year, so it is fair to say that the majority of our membership doesn't care about doping in competition since they don't even compete. And even of those 25%, I would venture to say that only a small fraction really cares about catching dopers. I heard a call here for random testing at nationals. Would the people posting here be willing to pay an extra fee for that? Or maybe the fairest thing would be a voluntary contribution from people going to nationals, and the number of random tests actually administered would depend on how much people put into the pot.
  • Who is going to pay for this drug testing? I don't think it is fair to take it out general membership since only 25% of our members participate in pool meets in any given year, so it is fair to say that the majority of our membership doesn't care about doping in competition since they don't even compete. And even of those 25%, I would venture to say that only a small fraction really cares about catching dopers. I heard a call here for random testing at nationals. Would the people posting here be willing to pay an extra fee for that? Or maybe the fairest thing would be a voluntary contribution from people going to nationals, and the number of random tests actually administered would depend on how much people put into the pot.
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