Freestyle arm stroke

I've been swimming for a long time - undefeated HS team in 1962. The older I get the more I think about stuff that used to be automatic, like freestyle arm stroke. I mainly do what I think is the currently popular technique with my fingers pointing to the bottom of the pool and my hand moving by my side and deep, but I can also do a version with fingers pointing toward the side of the pool and hand following the middle of my chest and stomach. I'd appreciate any comments on which is better. Also I get some shoulder pain and wonder which is easier on the shoulders. TIA, Tom
  • The other troubling issue for you is your shoulder pain, although you do not provide sufficient information to assess the problem. Could be from the recovery, could be from the pull, could be due to a lack of balance between the pull and the kick. We don't know because we can't see your stroke. My suggestion is that you consult with a stroke coach to see what you are doing incorrectly. Alternatively you can post a video here on the forum. I'm sure many members of the forum would be happy to critique your stroke. Julia, do you know of a video link you could share demonstrating a shoulder-friendly pull and recovery?. Who in the swimming world (we can watch on video) has a stroke that would be best for Masters swimmers to emulate? I fall into the category of Masters swimmers who are more concerned with preventing injuries rather than swimming at my fastest potential speed. Thanks!
  • The other troubling issue for you is your shoulder pain, although you do not provide sufficient information to assess the problem. Could be from the recovery, could be from the pull, could be due to a lack of balance between the pull and the kick. We don't know because we can't see your stroke. My suggestion is that you consult with a stroke coach to see what you are doing incorrectly. Alternatively you can post a video here on the forum. I'm sure many members of the forum would be happy to critique your stroke. Julia, do you know of a video link you could share demonstrating a shoulder-friendly pull and recovery?. Who in the swimming world (we can watch on video) has a stroke that would be best for Masters swimmers to emulate? I fall into the category of Masters swimmers who are more concerned with preventing injuries rather than swimming at my fastest potential speed. Thanks!
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