backstroke ~ bright sun protection ~ goggles

Former Member
Former Member
I swam 2000 yards backstroke yesterday, not wearing goggles, afterwards was dark red in the face and figured this wasn't good for my eyes. However, none of my 3 pair of goggles allow enough peripheral vision to see well. What kind of goggles have you found to give you the widest vision for backstroke? Might these work well? 10495 They have 180 degree vision, but still have the gasket that blocks vision. I was about to order them, then got the great idea last night to use regular sunglasses 10496and will try them next week. Let me know what goggles you feel would work best for the backstroke. I won't be doing any flip turns or diving with these.
  • Why do you need a wide field of vision? If you've got backstroke flags, your head should be still and only looking for those. If you don't have flags (as I don't at my pool), you can still keep your head still and just learn your overall stroke count by length. You always swim dead straight in backstroke outside? I sure don't! That said, I think you've just got to live with the fact that you can't see behind you during backstroke. Just keep the lanelines in your peripheral vision and that's about the best you can do. I hit the lanelines a lot, but I don't think increased peripheral vision from my goggles would help. Perhaps I'm wrong. I also use the mirrored Vanquishers.
  • Why do you need a wide field of vision? If you've got backstroke flags, your head should be still and only looking for those. If you don't have flags (as I don't at my pool), you can still keep your head still and just learn your overall stroke count by length. You always swim dead straight in backstroke outside? I sure don't! That said, I think you've just got to live with the fact that you can't see behind you during backstroke. Just keep the lanelines in your peripheral vision and that's about the best you can do. I hit the lanelines a lot, but I don't think increased peripheral vision from my goggles would help. Perhaps I'm wrong. I also use the mirrored Vanquishers.
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