eye capillary ruptured (subconjunctival hemorrhage)

Woke up several days ago and noticed my eye was solid red on the inside half. Looks frightening to others - lol. The day prior i did one AFAP 50 fr from a block, and a half dozen AFAP 15m UWDK's, diving from the side of the pool. Used a new socket-type of goggles that may have been a little too tight. Assuming the inside corner of the lens may have brushed the eye. But I also worked out heavy with weights that day (read that straining can cause this), so I'm not exactly certain which is the cause. Has anyone else experienced similar superficial eye trauma from swimming?
  • Yes, I've had that a couple times, the whole eye, not just one corner. I can't say it was from any swimming incident though. Can't recall exactly what caused it, but it didn't hurt and there was no permanent damage. It went away in a few days.
  • No pain with my eye as well, and it has started to clear up too. I am hoping it wasn't from the socket rockets. I had the bridge strap tight but the lenses kept moving outwards and am thinking one may have bruised the eye. Not certain though. If it happens again after using them it would more likely be the cause