I've had a very rough month, had to drop out of my masters swim class and stop running. I was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, a displacement of the lumbar vertebrae, which pinched a couple nerves and caused extreme pain down the left leg. I still have lingering aches, but feeling almost normal again. It's caused by arthritis eating away the bone of the vertebrae and allowing them to slip. I had been running 3-4 miles every other day and swimming 1500-2500 yards alternate days (had not begun biking yet). I'm getting PT once a week a gym and once in a pool. Running is out of the question for the foreseeable future, but what about getting back in the pool? Has anyone had this issue and what do I need to be doing to get back in the water.
Former Member
What an amazing story. Just goes to show how much our diet affects how we feel each day. Thanks for the encouragement and boosting eating veggies!