Gym + Swim good for losing weight?

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I went to the gym today and after I lifted weights for an hour, I went for a swim for about 40 minutes. I must say, after all that my body was absolutely exhausted! I'm looking to start a routine where I both lift weights and swim every other day. Now my questions are: IS swimming after a gym session a good idea? IS swimming before a gym session a better? IS swimming at all a good idea if I'm trying to lose weight?? Any help for this amateur swimmer would be greatly appreciated! Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 using Tapatalk Pro
  • I personally don't bother with weight lifting, or most any other dry land exercise. I do a little biking and running in the summer, but its about 95+% swimming for me. Combined with a focused eating plan, I lost over 50 lbs and have kept it off with swimming as my principal (and, for most of the year, exclusive) exercise. I'm probably a bit of an outlier in this regard, however. The conventional wisdom is to supplement your swimming with weight lifting. That said, I think you'd find very few who would suggest doing them back-to-back in either sequence. You need recovery time after you lift, and you need recovery time after you swim. Ideally, you'd swim 3 times a week, and lift twice a week on days you don't swim.
  • I personally don't bother with weight lifting, or most any other dry land exercise. I do a little biking and running in the summer, but its about 95+% swimming for me. Combined with a focused eating plan, I lost over 50 lbs and have kept it off with swimming as my principal (and, for most of the year, exclusive) exercise. I'm probably a bit of an outlier in this regard, however. The conventional wisdom is to supplement your swimming with weight lifting. That said, I think you'd find very few who would suggest doing them back-to-back in either sequence. You need recovery time after you lift, and you need recovery time after you swim. Ideally, you'd swim 3 times a week, and lift twice a week on days you don't swim.
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