Superstitions at the pool

Do you have, or have you seen any superstitions or odd practices/habits at the pool? I never really thought about it much until the other day when I saw an acquaintance tie the drawstring on his suit, tuck it in, and then untuck part of it. I asked why he leaves part of the string hanging out and he said it's good back years ago when he won some race with the string inadvertently left that way. He told me that he knows another swimmer who must always wear their goggles so that the logo is upsidedown. Then I thought about myself...every time I get in the pool, for the first two laps I don't do flip turns. It's not a superstition...just more of a warming up thing I guess. But I began to wonder...what other habits and superstitions do swimmers have (at the pool)? Dan
  • I have a very common habit. I'm a goggle fiddler. They can be on just right but if I don't fiddle with them before a race, it unsettles me. I've tried to just set them and leave them alone - I can't do it. Now that I've started using goggle spray at practice I've found I can leave them on a lot longer without touching them so maybe that will change my compulsive need to touch them before a race.