Info on changing teams?

Former Member
Former Member
I'm in the process of changing teams and I'd like to compete for my new team at Nationals but don't know what the process is exactly. Anybody know what the rules are for changing teams, if you have to unattach first, how long you have to be unattached etc.? Thanks
  • Blake, Your Local LMSC registrar, should be able to help you with the process and they will have forms and know what the LMSC charges are assessed for changing clubs. However, to your question, according to the rule book (also available on-line): Article 201.2.5—A swimmer shall not represent any club in competition for 60 consecutive days before transferring affiliation to another club, unless this transfer takes place at the time of annual re-registration. A swimmer may declare unattached status at any time without written application. This means, if you are already registered in 2002 with one club – then you can transfer clubs and be elegible to compete with your new club at nationals, provided you have not competed with the old club after March 15 (60 days from March 15 to May 14).
  • Blake, Your Local LMSC registrar, should be able to help you with the process and they will have forms and know what the LMSC charges are assessed for changing clubs. However, to your question, according to the rule book (also available on-line): Article 201.2.5—A swimmer shall not represent any club in competition for 60 consecutive days before transferring affiliation to another club, unless this transfer takes place at the time of annual re-registration. A swimmer may declare unattached status at any time without written application. This means, if you are already registered in 2002 with one club – then you can transfer clubs and be elegible to compete with your new club at nationals, provided you have not competed with the old club after March 15 (60 days from March 15 to May 14).
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