Lane sharing, two questions

1. I started doing flip turns about a year ago, and I'm comfortable doing them when I am working out alone. But when circle swimming with my masters team, it's hard to get comfortable doing flip turns coming in at an angle to the wall. Any suggestions on how to approach these kinds of flip turns? 2. I am also pretty new to butterfly. I am concerned about crashing my hand into someone swimming back toward me on the opposite side of the lane. I will sometimes try to extend my outside hand out slightly over the lane marker to stay as far to the right as possible, but I often brush the lane marker with the top of my hand as my arm is coming up out of the water. Any suggestions on navigation?
  • I think as a general rule you should turn in the middle of the lane and then move to the right side when you push off. The only exception being if someone if passing you. In that case stay to the right so you don't cut them off. On fly my opinion is to take a one-arm stroke when someone is swimming fly coming the other way. It's way better than smacking. Also be cognizant of swimmers in the adjacent lane. You're just as likely to smack them if you aren't paying close attention.
  • I think as a general rule you should turn in the middle of the lane and then move to the right side when you push off. The only exception being if someone if passing you. In that case stay to the right so you don't cut them off. On fly my opinion is to take a one-arm stroke when someone is swimming fly coming the other way. It's way better than smacking. Also be cognizant of swimmers in the adjacent lane. You're just as likely to smack them if you aren't paying close attention.
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