Just Launched Free Swim Workout Mobile App

I'm excited to share a mobile app I've been working on called MySwimPro. The initial idea for creating this app was born my personal experience as a coach and swimmer. As a coach, I recognized that most swimmers don't have access to structured training and coaching. As a swimmer, I needed a way to keep track of everything I was doing to optimize my performance and time spent in the water. The app has over 300 workouts organized by stroke type, pool course, and ability level. Every workout is fully customizable, and you can also track your own workouts. Please take a look at the brief video below that gives an overview of all the features. www.youtube.com/watch This is just the start of what we're building. I received great feedback from swimmers and coaches at the US Aquatic Sports convention in Kansas City a couple of weeks ago and I'd love everyone's insight on what you think will take our platform to the next level! The vision for MySwimPro is to empower aquatic prowess and create a community where swimmers can share, compare and compete with each other! The app is free and available for iPhone and Android phones. I've included the links below, so please take a look and let me know what you think! MySwimPro for iOS MySwimPro for Android Happy Swimming!
  • Would love your thoughts on what a web app could do for you!Call me old school (or just old), but if I am planning workouts, I would not do it on my phone - the screen is too small, the buttons (or lack thereof) make it a pain to type and I'd never bring my phone to the pool deck with me to read the workout. I'd use a web app because a desktop or laptop is a much better platform on which to create anything ... and then I can print the workout out on a piece of paper, wet that paper, slap it on a kickboard and do the workout. Caveat - I am an outlier when it comes to phone apps and their use - I have a Windows Phone and I fully realize no one makes apps for this platform, but that doesn't bother me because I really use my phone to talk, text and email. The only other app I consistently use is a Nokia knock-off of Google Maps. Other than the occasional use of Instagram, I find my life quite rich without phone apps and I LOVE my Windows Phone for its simplicity and focus on productivity.
  • Would love your thoughts on what a web app could do for you!Call me old school (or just old), but if I am planning workouts, I would not do it on my phone - the screen is too small, the buttons (or lack thereof) make it a pain to type and I'd never bring my phone to the pool deck with me to read the workout. I'd use a web app because a desktop or laptop is a much better platform on which to create anything ... and then I can print the workout out on a piece of paper, wet that paper, slap it on a kickboard and do the workout. Caveat - I am an outlier when it comes to phone apps and their use - I have a Windows Phone and I fully realize no one makes apps for this platform, but that doesn't bother me because I really use my phone to talk, text and email. The only other app I consistently use is a Nokia knock-off of Google Maps. Other than the occasional use of Instagram, I find my life quite rich without phone apps and I LOVE my Windows Phone for its simplicity and focus on productivity.
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