Snorkel use

Our coach doesn't give specific times or workouts to use the snorkel. I love mine but I'm not sure when it's the best time to use it? I have been using it at the end in the pull sets but can it be effectively used in main cardio focused sets?
  • Yeah, I've got mold in my snorkel and my water bottle. It hasn't killed me yet! :)
  • I need a nose clip with a snorkel, but can't find one that fits or stays on -- I have a normal sized nose but all the nose clips I tried were too big. Or I was putting them on wrong. Am I missing something? Can anyone recommend particular nose clips?
  • I need a nose clip with a snorkel, but can't find one that fits or stays on -- I have a normal sized nose but all the nose clips I tried were too big. Or I was putting them on wrong. Am I missing something? Can anyone recommend particular nose clips? I have a fairly small nose and, after experimenting, only use the Speedo competition nose clip: It is a real clamp and never falls off.
  • Use grain alcohol to sterilize stuff growing inside the snorkel
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Give it a try sometime in warmup or something relaxed because there is definitely a learning curve. I can pretty much guarantee you'll be convinced you're going to drown the first time you try it!
  • You don't use the same kind of snorkel as you do in scuba diving. The snorkels swimmers use go over the top of their head...The one I use is by "Finis" its called the "Freestyle Snorkel" Go to and look at it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    The whale and phantom snorkels are similar to the finis and their prices are lower. Has anyone here tried either of them?
  • First time I ever used a snorkel today, coach pulled them out. Feels like the hydraulics in my nose changed. Really struggled to breath. Think maybe would be best to get my own and practice with before coached sets.
  • The MP snorkel is the best one I've tried by a long shot. Mouth piece a little bulky though
  • I finally figured out the nose clip thanks to the tip kindly posted in this forum. :applaud: Still I feel like I could be getting better use out of the snorkel. Hence, a few followup questions (and emoticons) ...:worms: Any tips on doing flip turns with a snorkel? I've been doing these awkward open turns that make my Finis snorkel slip to the side, but I've seen some of the speedy swimmers at my pool do fast turns with the snorkel, blowing out water post-streamline like orca whales. :bow: I have tried but I tend to get water in the snorkel and am afraid of breathing it in my lungs. Also, are there recommended uses of the snorkel for strokes other than freestyle, for example, any breaststroke and fly drills? Don't worry, I am not thinking of trying it with backstroke. (: Thanks!