Tri-State Area Pools that allow Video Recording

Former Member
Former Member
Hi ! I have found that for me the most useful tool for improving my butterfly is videotaping myself and comparing it to youtube videos of great butterflyers like Phelps, Sjostrom etc ... The problem is the pool where i train doesn't allow cameras ... This summer i was able to make somewhat useful videos in the tiny outdoor pool my building has, but this pool is about to close as it is only open in summer ... I need a pool where i can videotape my butterfly once or twice a month. I won't actually train there - i have a pool for that already. I'm in South Brooklyn but i would be willing to drive probably up to about 50 miles to videotape myself swimming. Anybody know such a pool ? PS: i would prefer a pool that's at least 20 meters long and 6 feet deep, but really, any pool where i could do a few dolphin kicks followed by a few stroke cycles of fly and record it. Thanks in advance.
  • Get a one day pass for a gym like 24 hour fitness. With christmas slowly approaching I am sure many gyms will be offering some free trial visits. The last time I did that I had access to 24 hour fitness for a week.
  • Get a one day pass for a gym like 24 hour fitness. With christmas slowly approaching I am sure many gyms will be offering some free trial visits. The last time I did that I had access to 24 hour fitness for a week. I'm 99% certain that 24 Hour Fitness doesn't allow photography in the pool area, without prior permission. I'll double-check the rules the next time I'm there.
  • This is such a weird concept to me. Spending twenty years in the military I've swum at lots of pools, public and private. Never have I encountered a pool that wouldn't allow someone to make a video like this of them self. What is the reason for not allowing someone to make a video? Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Another option that might work would be to rent a lane in your pool for an hour. Usually pool rentals allow you more rights like diving off blocks etc.
  • No one cares at the Riverdale Y (Bronx) but the light is pretty bad here and most of my videos have been kind of dark. It's crowded except for 5:30 am.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    No one cares at the Riverdale Y (Bronx) but the light is pretty bad here and most of my videos have been kind of dark. It's crowded except for 5:30 am. you have given me some hope. there is Shorefront Y only 10 minutes away from me ( i used to be a member there in high school, but there were no digital cameras then ). have you done your recordings during "men only" hours ? my local Y has women's only hours but i don't think it has men only hours. my guess for no recording policies is maybe women object to being recorded by men or to having their children recorded - i dunno, although, today these things get more complicated =( PS: dark is OK. my recording equipment is reasonably capable in low light, as long as there is any light at all ( e.g. will not work in the woods at night ).
  • I think that no one here has every thought about it. I have brought my camera as have others. I asked the lifeguard to video me once when I was the only one there. We have single sex hours but this was during the regular lap swimming. If you run up against a wall you can make the trek up here -- we do have Sundays at 6:30a. You can also take a picture of the sign that says that defecation in the pool is forbidden (a personal favorite of mine).
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Maybe you could arrange with the aquatics director to come in a few minutes before the pool is officially opened and give the guard something for his time.