Video analysis: Beginner Butterfly

Began learning fly a few weeks ago. First 15 yards in video are awful, last ten perhaps less awful. Masters coach says: head down, more rhythm with body and less knees in kick. I'm sure she's right, but I also welcome any other tips or suggestions. Thanks! Here's a link to the video:
  • Yep, almost all the suggestions come back to finding the rythm needed for undulation. That's what barely begins to emerge the last ten yards in the video. My coach has had me work some with one-armed fly and just dolphin kicking with fins. I can "feel it" some with the fins, so I think I will get there. Will post another video in a few weeks, this time probably from the humble public pool where our Masters team trains!
  • Yep, almost all the suggestions come back to finding the rythm needed for undulation. That's what barely begins to emerge the last ten yards in the video. My coach has had me work some with one-armed fly and just dolphin kicking with fins. I can "feel it" some with the fins, so I think I will get there. Will post another video in a few weeks, this time probably from the humble public pool where our Masters team trains!
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