Conflict with new coach

My team just got a new coach about four months ago. Now personally, I don't have any major problems with this coach. He gives a pretty good workout, he is quite knowledgeable about stroke techniques, and he is trying to build some team unity. Admittedly, we have had some issues with him about showing up for workouts a few minutes late and relying too much on the pool lifeguards to provide us with a workout when he sometimes doesn't show (a much bigger problem for the newer/less experienced swimmers). The big conflict seems to be from the beginning/intermediate swimmers and the triathletes (I'm also a triathlete, but I have a pretty strong swimming background). Now, this may seem quite trivial, and even a little bit petty to those of us who swam in college and have an intense competitive drive and thrive on the thrill of a good swim, but many of our intermediate/beginners are complaining that they are not getting recognition for their efforts. Thinking back to my early age group days, I can remember when a coach simply saying "good job" to me meant everything. It's what kept me coming back for more painful workouts the next week. Now swimming Masters, I really don't care if a coach singles me out for accomplishing something. I'm happy with an occasional Top Ten or winning a medal at Nationals. But we are now losing a lot of swimmers because they feel they are working for nothing. They don't see why they should swim Masters vs. just lap swim. What's brought this to a head is that this morning, after workout, my wife sent me a text expressing how disgusted she was with our coach. She didn't go into specifics, but she ended with the statement "I'm done!". I didn't see what brought this on, but I did notice that halfway through workout, she was just swimming laps by herself. Back and forth, no stopping. I glanced at our coach, and he gave me a confused look, saying "so-and-so just wants to swim". While I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone, coach is a pretty young guy, with most of our members being 20-30 years older than him, and I think he might be a bit nervous expressing himself to some of us. So heck, now I'm stuck in the middle. What do I do? Do I try to talk to the coach? Do I stay out of it? Help!
  • That's exactly what we're doing. We have a meeting set up between the coach, the board, and a few at-large members to sort things out. The emphasis is going to be on "constructive criticism". No subjective/personal criticisms. We're just looking at what it is going to take to move the team forward.If I may be permitted to provide some constructive criticism to your approach… First off “constructive criticism” is a myth, it’s just criticism. Even objective criticism is criticism. Second, unless the criticism is based on documented or well understood performance goals for the coach, you will be attacking the coach for things he had not been told he is accountable for. Instead of meeting with the coach for constructive criticism, I suggest meeting with the coach to set and document specific and measurable and mutually agreed upon coaching expectations. If the board and the coach can’t come to terms on these goals then you need to find a coach who will. To truly move the team forward, you need a roadmap for success not just a list of potholes that have been noticed. For example, if tardiness is a concern then set the expectation that the coach be on deck and ready to go 5 minutes before practice start time. Then be prepared to fire the coach, dock pay or whatever if he exceeds the number of excused tardy.
  • I don't quite understand the hostility toward Julia. I've never read her posts as trying to promote a brand. So what is she's a coach for hire? If you're good at something, there's nothing wrong with making a living at it. Good coaches are hard to find. And the Masters group swim isn't the right environment for everyone. She charges what she charges. Nobody's forced to buy her product. Just sayin'. Denise, thank you for your support!
  • There's got to be a lot more going on here than just a lack of praise. I hope you guys have a "plan B" because, despite your best intentions, it's going to be very hard for the coach not feel defensive in that situation. I'd put the chances at better than 50/50 that the end result of that meeting will be a resignation. Not a resignation. More like a firing. Many members, myself included, are pretty peeved about the tardiness and no-shows. That's the only thing we're discussing. When you're paying upwards of $70/month, I don't think that's asking too much.
  • Not a resignation. More like a firing. Many members, myself included, are pretty peeved about the tardiness and no-shows. That's the only thing we're discussing. When you're paying upwards of $70/month, I don't think that's asking too much. If it's just attendance issues that are a problem, I don't see the need for a huge conference. One person, probably a leader from the board, would be sufficient to deliver the message that his attendance habits aren't acceptable, what the attendance expectations are going forward, and what the consequences of failing to meet those expectations will be. Having the entire board and an "ad-hock" committee of team members all there to deliver that simple message borders on hostile, really.
  • Not a resignation. More like a firing. Many members, myself included, are pretty peeved about the tardiness and no-shows. That's the only thing we're discussing. When you're paying upwards of $70/month, I don't think that's asking too much. Why are you on the internet complaining about this? Why does it take at larger members, masters members, and board members to fire a coach? What in the name of all that is chlorinated is wrong with this club? Why are personnel matters being discussed on the web and with the general membership? This is an ambush. For whatever faults this coach has, he/she sure doesn't deserve this unprofessional and childish behavior.
  • Not a resignation. More like a firing. Many members, myself included, are pretty peeved about the tardiness and no-shows. That's the only thing we're discussing. When you're paying upwards of $70/month, I don't think that's asking too much. Very difficult decision to make and - as you will be doing - in this case it is important to involve the entire team, not merely one messenger. Fully support you and your team, whatever decision you may come to. Best of luck.
  • Very difficult decision to make and - as you will be doing - in this case it is important to involve the entire team, not merely one messenger. Fully support you and your team, whatever decision you may come to. Best of luck. Do you have any personnel experience at any company? That is absurd. Personnel matters aren't a group discussion. They are between the employee and his superior(s), not an angry mob, and should be done confidentially and professionally. No HR manager on the entire planet would proceed in the way you have stated. And, how do you know who to support only hearing one side of the story, and a very suspect side at that? How would you like to coach this group of angry and gossipy people who take to the ethers to gripe versus act like adults and do it in person?
  • Why are you on the internet complaining about this? Why does it take at larger members, masters members, and board members to fire a coach? What in the name of all that is chlorinated is wrong with this club? Why are personnel matters being discussed on the web and with the general membership? This is an ambush. For whatever faults this coach has, he/she sure doesn't deserve this unprofessional and childish behavior. Begging your pardon, Aquageek, but this is not, as you describe, and "ambush". The coach has been approached before about the attendance/tardy issues, and he was the one that suggested the meeting to iron out the differences. Also, I fail to see how raising issues about tardiness and absenteeism is "unprofessional" and "childish", especially when it concerns someone who is being paid to render a service. Did I miss something? Finally, go back and read my OP. I'm not here to complain, but to ask for suggestions.
  • Begging your pardon, Aquageek, but this is not, as you describe, and "ambush". The coach has been approached before about the attendance/tardy issues, and he was the one that suggested the meeting to iron out the differences. Also, I fail to see how raising issues about tardiness and absenteeism is "unprofessional" and "childish", especially when it concerns someone who is being paid to render a service. Did I miss something? Finally, go back and read my OP. I'm not here to complain, but to ask for suggestions. If you wanted suggestions, don't complain when you get them. If you want suggestions but have decided to mob ambush and fire him, why post on this forum? Since you aren't open to suggestions and have your plan made, here is what I would do as a Masters swimmer. I would meet with him privately and express my concerns off the deck. I would meet with his supervisor and him and express my concerns off the deck. That's what adults do. Here is what I would expect as a Masters coach. I would expect my supervisor to put me on a performance plan if the gossipy allegations are true. If I violate my private and confidential performance plan, I would expect to be relieved of my duties as a coach in a professional manner. I do not understand why members are involved in hiring/firing decisions at this club nor why club business is being aired on an internet forum. It's not like it's a big mystery which club you are speaking about.
  • Am I the only one who is confused by this thread? No, the story hasn't seemed to add up from the very beginning.