Conflict with new coach

My team just got a new coach about four months ago. Now personally, I don't have any major problems with this coach. He gives a pretty good workout, he is quite knowledgeable about stroke techniques, and he is trying to build some team unity. Admittedly, we have had some issues with him about showing up for workouts a few minutes late and relying too much on the pool lifeguards to provide us with a workout when he sometimes doesn't show (a much bigger problem for the newer/less experienced swimmers). The big conflict seems to be from the beginning/intermediate swimmers and the triathletes (I'm also a triathlete, but I have a pretty strong swimming background). Now, this may seem quite trivial, and even a little bit petty to those of us who swam in college and have an intense competitive drive and thrive on the thrill of a good swim, but many of our intermediate/beginners are complaining that they are not getting recognition for their efforts. Thinking back to my early age group days, I can remember when a coach simply saying "good job" to me meant everything. It's what kept me coming back for more painful workouts the next week. Now swimming Masters, I really don't care if a coach singles me out for accomplishing something. I'm happy with an occasional Top Ten or winning a medal at Nationals. But we are now losing a lot of swimmers because they feel they are working for nothing. They don't see why they should swim Masters vs. just lap swim. What's brought this to a head is that this morning, after workout, my wife sent me a text expressing how disgusted she was with our coach. She didn't go into specifics, but she ended with the statement "I'm done!". I didn't see what brought this on, but I did notice that halfway through workout, she was just swimming laps by herself. Back and forth, no stopping. I glanced at our coach, and he gave me a confused look, saying "so-and-so just wants to swim". While I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone, coach is a pretty young guy, with most of our members being 20-30 years older than him, and I think he might be a bit nervous expressing himself to some of us. So heck, now I'm stuck in the middle. What do I do? Do I try to talk to the coach? Do I stay out of it? Help!
  • is he the only coach or who hired him? Do you have a board or is it just a single coach team?
  • many of our intermediate/beginners are complaining that they are not getting recognition for their efforts. ... we are now losing a lot of swimmers because they feel they are working for nothing. Personally, I don't feel that adults should be so needy; this seems childish. They should be "working" for themselves and their own fitness/competition goals. It's hard for me to believe that masters swimmers only go to practice for a pat on the head ... That said, I believe the intermediate/beginners should get coaching attention -- stroke correction, explanation of sets, etc. Being late is definitely a bad habit unless, as Rob notes, there is a specific reason. I always try to be early myself, but I certainly have gotten stuck in traffic jams/accidents on occasion.
  • Personally, I don't feel that adults should be so needy; this seems childish. They should be "working" for themselves and their own fitness/competition goals. It's hard for me to believe that masters swimmers only go to practice for a pat on the head ... I had to laugh when I read the OP about this. Yea I sometimes get a, "great swim," after a workout, maybe once a week (more likely every 2-3 weeks). But I certainly wouldn't change my swimming habits due to a lack of one. More often, I'll get one (or give one) to another swimmer who I just swam a tough set with. That said, I believe the intermediate/beginners should get coaching attention -- stroke correction, explanation of sets, etc. If the coach is new, he/she may be getting a feel for the way the group works. If I'm looking for feedback on something, I've never had a coach say, "no," when I ask. Especially if it is something specific. Maybe breaststroke pullouts...ask how they look, what I can improve, what drills I can work on to make them better. If I'm planning to swim in a meet and want to do block starts, I've asked for specific feedback on those. After the coach gets to know the swimmers (and vice-versa) this should be more natural. Being late is definitely a bad habit unless, as Rob notes, there is a specific reason. I always try to be early myself, but I certainly have gotten stuck in traffic jams/accidents on occasion. I guess this partly depends on when the workout is happening. I normally swim early morning, before work, and traffic is rarely an issue. I can't remember a single time when our morning coach was late. He's normally there early, making sure lanelines are in, there are kickboards available, etc. I think once when I was there 15 min early I might have beat the coach. For evening workouts, there have been a few instances when the masters coach was late (traffic, them working late, etc.) However, they've let someone know and typically another coach on deck (one who is coaching kids) will get us started. Since I've been swimming with my current team (I think about 6 years), I could count on one hand the number of times a coach was late. I can't recall a single time they just never showed. Heck even when there's inclement weather and we won't be swimming, the coach is there anyway to let us know (along with sending out email, posts to FB, etc.)
  • Personally, I don't feel that adults should be so needy; this seems childish. They should be "working" for themselves and their own fitness/competition goals. It's hard for me to believe that masters swimmers only go to practice for a pat on the head ... This, for sure.
  • Personally, I don't feel that adults should be so needy; this seems childish. They should be "working" for themselves and their own fitness/competition goals. It's hard for me to believe that masters swimmers only go to practice for a pat on the head ... Children with checkbooks is how I phrase it. I thought I had heard it all until one day I opened one minute late at 5:16 am and was asked why I was "so late," and not in a nice tone. The workout began on time at 5:30 am. No one gets rich coaching Masters so giving the coach a little benefit of the doubt seems to be the avenue to take. Having said that I always tried to be at the pool 30 minutes before the workout began. Hardly anything annoys people more than a late coach.
  • I've never had a coach say, "no," when I ask. I have. Actually, the answer I got was "Masters don't want feedback." clearly I did, but I didn't matter. A conversation needs to be had in a friendly manner by the affected swimmer(s) to the new coach so that everyone can get on the same page. And if the new guy can't seem to get on board, then maybe it's not the right fit. But he needs to be given a chance first, with communitcation.
  • ... my wife sent me a text expressing how disgusted she was... She didn't go into specifics, but she ended with the statement "I'm done!". You probably should first make it clear your wife is done with the coach and not you...:eek:
  • I had to giggle a bit when I read this "...many of our intermediate/beginners are complaining that they are not getting recognition for their efforts." As a solo swimmer who only competes with my team but trains alone, I receive no recognition for anything I do in the pool six days per week. Any recognition I get is from within, and I literally tell myself- out loud- "Good job!" when I swim well on a set or swim a fast (for me) time. The giggle part comes in when I hit the wall, look at the clock, and say "Good job!" out loud to myself forgetting there are sometimes other swimmers on each side of me resting at the wall. I get the strangest looks, and sometimes, I have even received a response of "Thank you!" :D I guess what I am saying is that I agree with Fort: "Personally, I don't feel that adults should be so needy; this seems childish. They should be "working" for themselves and their own fitness/competition goals. It's hard for me to believe that masters swimmers only go to practice for a pat on the head ..." :agree:
  • Of course there's a difference in not receiving praise and being ignored. If these beginner swimmers are expecting feedback, and it's not forthcoming, that's a legitimate gripe.
  • I think there is a big difference between those of us who have swum for years and don't need a whole lot of reinforcement from a coach and those who step out of their comfort zone to try on the sport of swimming. I can't tell you how many people walk onto my pool deck with all kinds of anxieties about their speed and abilities. Wanting some positive reinforcement is not indicative of a lack of maturity. It seems to make a big difference in confidence - which translates to better swimming.