Static swimming belt - condo pool

Former Member
Former Member
Since we moved to FL I've been jonsin' to get into a solid swimming routine, having a pool 20 feet outside my front has contributed to the desire... but short pools are a bit of a pain. So I tried my new static swimming belt yesterday, it is rudimentary but it worked very very well. I'm able to just put my head down and swim without stopping to turn every ten strokes. Once I hit my first goal mark my reward will be the cadillac version of static belts... kind of nice to have a reward be a fitness item rather than a meal or fancy wine. :D
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Just knocked out a beautiful workout, not pausing for turns is so different! I'm going to have to keep and eye on my shoulders to make sure I don't overdo it, never realized how those pauses gave them a bit of a quick rest.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Just knocked out a beautiful workout, not pausing for turns is so different! I'm going to have to keep and eye on my shoulders to make sure I don't overdo it, never realized how those pauses gave them a bit of a quick rest.
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