
Former Member
Former Member
Wow. 200 Fly. Wow.
  • Wow. 200 Fly. Wow. "Wow" is right! It was his best time in six years. :applaud:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    And now in the 100 Fly as well. After LeClos's trash talk, I think his new nickname should be LeSlow.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    For those who missed it, after swimming 50.56 Le Clos said “Michael Phelps has been talking about how slow the butterfly events have been recently. I just did a time he hasn’t done in four years. So he can keep quiet now.” Phelps then swam 50.45.
  • I just read that he won 3 of 3 events in his warm up for the toilet of Rio.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Phelps just swam 2:12.68 in the heats of the 200 ***. Good enough to qualify for the A final if he swims tonight.
  • I hope the sponsors that dropped him take notice. Those that stuck with him are to be commended. Those that said he will stay retired might want to rethink it!
  • I just watched Michael's swims on the sunday network wrap-up. I wish him well and hope he can carry this momentum into Rio where he could really do something amazing. If you can experience struggles, make mistakes and bad choices, yet still come back strong and dominant I'd say you are a true champion. Go Michael!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Yes sir! I'm curious about the breastroke, but my guess is so then Michael (Posiedon jr) Phelps can go sub 1:54. in the 200 IM. I bet he does! With Gold! Also, my bet is 5 golds in Rio 2016 Olympics, (3 individual and 2 relay) and 2 other precious medals... 1 silver, 1 bronze. For an additional 7 medals added to his already insurmountable total. That being said, I really wish he goes for the 200 freestyle! Maybe in 2020. Listen, the world record for the 200 free was stuck at 1:46 for so many years until Posiedon Jr decided to drop it by 2 seconds to a 1:44. Then those banned swim suits came out. That hurt his confidence I think. Realistically though if the 200 free was his singular focus, there wouldn't be anyone in the history of swimming (future or otherwise) who could best his performance. I'm totally looking forward to the next 9 years of this young mans swimming career!
  • He seems to have put his past faults { friends that photo rat him out and the DUI part} in his past. Let's hope so, but the DUI happened less than one year ago and I'm not willing to let him off the hook quite so fast. That said, he's obviously in great shape right now and his head seems to be on straight.
  • He seems to have put his past faults { friends that photo rat him out and the DUI part} in his past. I hope moving close to training with his coach will give us more great swims to watch.