Swimming in sewage in Rio

I wasn't sure if this should go in the open water section or here but it is about swimming.I just read this-bigstory.ap.org/.../ap-investigation-rios-olympic-water-rife-sewage-virus and am worried for our open water swimmers. What a terrible predicament,work for years to go to the Olympics and then get really really sick. This is a black eye on the IOC,who like FINA, is more interested in politics and patronage than athletes.
  • And here I thought Illinois was the hot bed of $$$$$ buys anything you want in the culture of what is best for corporations and politics!. Maybe the OW races should be done on a Postal event format. You can swim in your home water and send in the time to see how you will place.
  • And here I thought Illinois was the hot bed of $$$$$ buys anything you want in the culture of what is best for corporations and politics!. Maybe the OW races should be done on a Postal event format. You can swim in your home water and send in the time to see how you will place.
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