Swimming in sewage in Rio

I wasn't sure if this should go in the open water section or here but it is about swimming.I just read this-bigstory.ap.org/.../ap-investigation-rios-olympic-water-rife-sewage-virus and am worried for our open water swimmers. What a terrible predicament,work for years to go to the Olympics and then get really really sick. This is a black eye on the IOC,who like FINA, is more interested in politics and patronage than athletes.
  • I read this, this morning. They need to move the aquatic (open/water) events, including boating, and rowing, to another part of the world. If the open water events are not moved we are going to have some very ill athletes, unless Rio considers that a new Olympic event.
  • I read this, this morning. They need to move the aquatic (open/water) events, including boating, and rowing, to another part of the world. If the open water events are not moved we are going to have some very ill athletes, unless Rio considers that a new Olympic event.
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