Avoid Back Pain with Backstroke

Former Member
Former Member
I've got gobs of joint issues with my hip and spine and find backstroke irritates them quite badly. I've avoided doing it, but miss it and wonder if there's any way to do a backstroke safely. I assume the problem comes with the very slight arch in my lumbar that comes with the arm pull in backstroke. That and my shoulders aren't very flexible, so I have to twist a lot to get decent purchase on the water. Can anyone recommend technique adjustments that might protect my spine and allow me some semblance of a normal backstroke? Thx in advance, Jon
  • Backstroke may also argue with the back from intense UW undulations achieved off the walls. im a recovering back pain sufferer myself. I do find moderate relief with low back, hip, and glute strengthening in addition to torso and lower body flexibility
  • Backstroke may also argue with the back from intense UW undulations achieved off the walls. im a recovering back pain sufferer myself. I do find moderate relief with low back, hip, and glute strengthening in addition to torso and lower body flexibility
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