sprained ankle

I sprained my ankle foolishly trying to participate in land-based sports. :doh: No more pain while walking, but I'm not able to kick. Any advice on swimming with a sprained ankle? Does taping work?
  • I sprained my ankle foolishly trying to participate in land-based sports. :doh: No more pain while walking, but I'm not able to kick. Any advice on swimming with a sprained ankle? Does taping work? I broke my ankle two summers ago and I was told to tape it for swimming once I was cleared to swim again. I know the more I wore a compression bandage (in and out of the water) the better my ankle felt. I know it's not the same, but then again it might work.
  • There's always the good ol' pull buoy! I was stuck using it for 9 weeks while recuperating from hip surgery. It's not the best option, but it sure beats staying dry! :banana:
  • I've sprained both my ankles at different points. The best advice I can give--which you won't like--is to stay out of the pool. Both times I went back to swimming way to early and did more damage that just caused the healing process to take longer. Depending on the severity of the sprain, you should rest a min of 2 weeks and as many as 8. Even with a pull buoy, swimming puts your foot at such an angle that impedes the healing process.
  • I sprained my ankle pretty badly the week before Big Shoulders a few years ago. I use a two-beat kick so not a major problem other than the jostling at the start which wasn't fun. What helped me get ready was staying immobile out of the pool and lots of icing. The cold water during the swim actually soothed the ankle.
  • Pain is Mother Nature's way of telling you that you should stop doing something. I had a swimmer try to swim and only push off with one foot, and she ended up straining the "good" foot.