Extra weight, less arm extension, faster swimming

Former Member
Former Member
Hello, thanks in advance. I'm out of the pool and back in the ocean for the next 7 months! :banana: I have no competitive background, but love working on my technique whenever I get the bug to time myself. I swim a mile per session about 4-5 per week. I'm swimming a mile in 30 minutes right now. I could maybe do 28 if you had a gun to my head. I'd like to get down to 24-25 by the end of this season. I have a couple questions regarding this. I am 6'1" tall and my weight should be 185-190, but I am 210 right now. I will be back to 190 by late summer. If you were to guess how much would the 20 pounds lost speed up my mile time? I can speed up my stroke rate quite easily by not reaching for that full extension. When you speed up your stroke rate is there a small reduction in the arm extension that you achieve. When I sprint for fun I don't extend near as much and I am thinking I need to reduce the extension just a tad to help with pulling the arm down for the first 6 inches when typically your arm is fully extended and the muscles are in a weak position. I'm not an overglider, but I have pretty good technique and I get a good arm extension. Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hi there! You might want to see about getting a coach to look at your stroke to see what efficiencies you can gain by just tweaking your stroke. You would be surprised about how minor tweaks can really change your speed. I have a friend I work with who is a heavy dude, but he's lightning fast in the water. It's all about the finesse of the stroke for sure. Thanks...that is a good idea, I just sent an email to someone locally with a good background. That is interesting about the heavier guy. Someone told me that once I got the last 20 pounds off I would be faster which made some sense.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hi there! You might want to see about getting a coach to look at your stroke to see what efficiencies you can gain by just tweaking your stroke. You would be surprised about how minor tweaks can really change your speed. I have a friend I work with who is a heavy dude, but he's lightning fast in the water. It's all about the finesse of the stroke for sure. Thanks...that is a good idea, I just sent an email to someone locally with a good background. That is interesting about the heavier guy. Someone told me that once I got the last 20 pounds off I would be faster which made some sense.
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