Coming back after pinched nerve?

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Former Member
About a month ago I developed horrible nerve pain in my right arm - so much so that I was uncomfortable all the time and couldn't sleep. I saw the doctor, a massage therapist and a chiropractor and was diagnosed with a compressed (pinched) nerve between C5-C7. (not sure exactly where as the pain and numbness has changed, no MRI done) The pain has mostly subsided but my current problem is the weak pull I have on that side. My normal activities are not really effected but my pull is so weak! I have still been swimming 3-4 times a week with a strong focus on kicking until I am fully healed. Did strength come back on its own or did you do PT? What kind of time frame? Any advice is appreciated!
  • Did strength come back on its own or did you do PT? What kind of time frame? Any advice is appreciated! Hello to my Georgia Masters teammate, although I don’t believe we have met. (I’m a GAJA Killer Whale living in Griffin.) Two years ago, I had the same pain you are experiencing. It turned out I had a boatload of issues at C5-7 including degenerative disks and bridging osteophytes. I went through a course of PT and have been pain-free ever since, but I continue to do my exercises daily to stay that way. Whether you will regain strength without PT and the time it will take to heal is different with everybody depending on the severity, and what you do to make it better (or make it worse). Your doctor should be able to give you a better idea. In my opinion, PT is an excellent treatment option, especially if you learn exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, and continue to do them daily- for life. As a PT veteran, I know this from experience. I had back surgery in 1987 and surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome in 2003, and continue to be pain-free in both my back and shoulders. I attribute this to swimming AND doing my PT exercises on a daily basis. This past December, I had hip surgery, and I have added those PT exercises to the mix. (In case you’re wondering, no, neither of these surgeries were swimming-related. I just inherited bad genes…) Whatever you choose to do, just make sure to listen to your doctor and/or therapist , and be a good patient! Do exactly as they say, and continue to do your exercises for life. :agree: Good luck! :)
  • Did strength come back on its own or did you do PT? What kind of time frame? Any advice is appreciated! Hello to my Georgia Masters teammate, although I don’t believe we have met. (I’m a GAJA Killer Whale living in Griffin.) Two years ago, I had the same pain you are experiencing. It turned out I had a boatload of issues at C5-7 including degenerative disks and bridging osteophytes. I went through a course of PT and have been pain-free ever since, but I continue to do my exercises daily to stay that way. Whether you will regain strength without PT and the time it will take to heal is different with everybody depending on the severity, and what you do to make it better (or make it worse). Your doctor should be able to give you a better idea. In my opinion, PT is an excellent treatment option, especially if you learn exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, and continue to do them daily- for life. As a PT veteran, I know this from experience. I had back surgery in 1987 and surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome in 2003, and continue to be pain-free in both my back and shoulders. I attribute this to swimming AND doing my PT exercises on a daily basis. This past December, I had hip surgery, and I have added those PT exercises to the mix. (In case you’re wondering, no, neither of these surgeries were swimming-related. I just inherited bad genes…) Whatever you choose to do, just make sure to listen to your doctor and/or therapist , and be a good patient! Do exactly as they say, and continue to do your exercises for life. :agree: Good luck! :)
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