Coach Leaving--advice please

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Former Member
My granddaughter(16 y/o) is devistated. Her coach is moving on. At this point we don't know who will take over. Have any of you ever 'lost' a coach? What would you say to a teen in this situation? Thanks
  • devestated?Some 16 year olds are "devastated" if Wal-Mart is out of their shade of lip gloss. The new coach will either be better, worse or about the same as the the departing coach. Ask her to wait until after she knows which before she is devastated. And if need be remember the serenity prayer “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Both of my kids were recruited by a coach they wanted to swim for and by the time they got to college both coaches had moved on. My kids both got over the trauma.
  • devestated?Some 16 year olds are "devastated" if Wal-Mart is out of their shade of lip gloss. The new coach will either be better, worse or about the same as the the departing coach. Ask her to wait until after she knows which before she is devastated. And if need be remember the serenity prayer “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Both of my kids were recruited by a coach they wanted to swim for and by the time they got to college both coaches had moved on. My kids both got over the trauma.
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