Coach Leaving--advice please

Former Member
Former Member
My granddaughter(16 y/o) is devistated. Her coach is moving on. At this point we don't know who will take over. Have any of you ever 'lost' a coach? What would you say to a teen in this situation? Thanks
  • devestated? It will all work out, just you wait and see. The team needs to interview & hire a new coach, they're gonna pick a great one. You're gonna swim fast and have fun. My granddaughter(16 y/o) is devistated. Her coach is moving on. At this point we don't know who will take over. Have any of you ever 'lost' a coach? What would you say to a teen in this situation? Thanks
  • devestated?Some 16 year olds are "devastated" if Wal-Mart is out of their shade of lip gloss. The new coach will either be better, worse or about the same as the the departing coach. Ask her to wait until after she knows which before she is devastated. And if need be remember the serenity prayer “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Both of my kids were recruited by a coach they wanted to swim for and by the time they got to college both coaches had moved on. My kids both got over the trauma.
  • Yes, we recently went through this with our teams (Masters and kids team). It can be devastating initially, but with the adults around her creating a positive spin on it, she'll get through it. She and her team mates will come out stronger because of the change, more than likely. It's a great life lesson, as you may know, because no matter how much we like our bosses, in the corporate world, realistically, you change bosses every few years and have to adjust. But you learn from each and every coach or boss. She may find that the new coach will bring something new to the table and get her to learn something different about her training and approaches. S/he will inspire her in a different way. It's going to hurt initially, but soon after the new coach starts, the healing will start to take place and she'll find that she's doing just fine. Good luck!
  • oh yes. the coach that helped me get a NAGR and multitime AA left after NJO's when i was 15. just try to instill some faith that the next coach will be just as good...or switch/move to a different club. and sometimes that move can even be away from your family. at 16 i left home and went to MVN. was only back home for the 1st semester of my senior year in hs then back to MVN and then college. effectively i left home at 16 and never really returned all because of swimming.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Lol I never said I could spell but it was close enough y'all knew what I meant. Thanks for the advice. The next closest team is an hour away, but that is a possibility 3 or 4 days a week, and the coach there is top notch too. But, what will happen to her times going from 2x a day to 4 practices a week? I have also proposed to my daughter that my granddaughter and I follow the coach. That has been met with silence. We are going to wait and see what the new coach is like. My granddaughter doesn't tolerate drama. This really threw everyone for a loop. No one expected it. So, I think devastated was an appropriate reaction for a young one with no world experience.