Broken metacarpal

I broke my 4th metacarpal 4 weeks ago and have 2 more weeks in a cast. I am wondering if anyone has gone through this and if so, what can I expect as far as real swimming when I get back in the water? Obviously, I will be able to kick, but I don't know what kind of hand strength I will have. I also wonder how long it will take for me to get back in racing shape after 6 weeks of dry dock. (i have been walking and riding the exercise bike). Any info would be appreciated.
  • I broke the 4th and 5th last year, and when I got out of my cast I was shocked at how weak my left arm had become in just a few weeks. I didn't notice it so much swimming, but my grip on my bike was a little too floppy for comfort for about a month. In the pool, it was a while before I could push up out of the water without either weakness in my arm or pain in my hand, but actual swimming was not affected as much as I thought it would be. If you've been staying decent aerobic shape, I bet it won't be long at all. Good luck!
  • Thanks for your response. I had not thought about pain in my hand when I pull myself out of the pool. Will remember to use the ladder for a few weeks. My bicep is mush right now, so I can only imagine how withered my forearm will be.