Subacromial Bursitis - Advice?

Does anyone have some good advice for dealing with subacromial bursitis? I have recently been diagnosed - based on an ultrasound and discussion with my very good sports medicine doc - and am trying to set up a plan to get over this problem. Thanks......
  • Thank you both for the suggestions! I do breathe bi-laterally; but am going more to my right now (where bursitis is) to see if that helps. Have also talked to my sports medicine doc and he will do a cortisone shot whenever I think I am ready for one; and am going back to my PT to see if there are some further stretching-strengthening stuff we should be considering. Fingers crossed that all of this works......
  • Thank you both for the suggestions! I do breathe bi-laterally; but am going more to my right now (where bursitis is) to see if that helps. Have also talked to my sports medicine doc and he will do a cortisone shot whenever I think I am ready for one; and am going back to my PT to see if there are some further stretching-strengthening stuff we should be considering. Fingers crossed that all of this works......
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