begginer... desperate need of advice

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Former Member
Hi I would really appreciate some advice. I'm really know nothing about this stuff. I always loved the sport of swimming and wanted to get better. I've been trying to swim 4-5 x a week but I'm really bad. I pretty much only go 2-4 lengths of the pool swimming freestyle without stopping. I'm 28 and in decent shape. I can jog on the treadmill for 30+ min without stopping, lift weights and play hockey. I'm going to try to get a swim coach, but I am really curious... Do some of you guys swim freestyle without stopping for 45 -1 hr straight? Do you kick the whole time? Maybe I'm swimming too strenuously...I'm trying to float more, it feels like I sink in the water. I've been watching videos on youtube. How do you swim slower without sinking? It feels like my swimming is using mostly just my arms...I have an idea in my head that most swimmers can swim for like 45 minutes without stopping. Any other recommendations. My long term goal is to be a good, everyday swimmer. Eventually I would love to learn new strokes, etc.
  • AKRC - I'm just long have you been swimming 4-5 time per week? If being a long distance (freestyle) swimmer is what you want to train for, then that's certainly a goal you can set for yourself. There are many of us who prefer longer distance swimming, often open-water swims, over the shorter distances raced in the pool. Unfortunately winter forces us to swim those long distances in the pool more often than we'd prefer. But like any other athletic activity, it will take time and dedication to get up to the continuous 45-60 (or more) minutes you want to get to. That's a long term goal, but you should probably set yourself some more attainable milestone goals. If right now you can only go 1-2 minutes before you have to stop then set that as your first goal. It will likely take weeks. Do it until 1-2 minutes gets easier. Then up the time and aim for 2-3 minutes. Then up it to 3-4 minutes; then 5-6 minutes; etc. Eventually it'll come. But it won't happen overnight, nor in a week or a month. You just have to stick with it and do it with regularity. Along the way get some experienced assistance to help you refine your stroke. Ask the experienced swimmers at your pool, maybe the aquatics director or a swim coach. Good luck. Dan
  • AKRC - I'm just long have you been swimming 4-5 time per week? If being a long distance (freestyle) swimmer is what you want to train for, then that's certainly a goal you can set for yourself. There are many of us who prefer longer distance swimming, often open-water swims, over the shorter distances raced in the pool. Unfortunately winter forces us to swim those long distances in the pool more often than we'd prefer. But like any other athletic activity, it will take time and dedication to get up to the continuous 45-60 (or more) minutes you want to get to. That's a long term goal, but you should probably set yourself some more attainable milestone goals. If right now you can only go 1-2 minutes before you have to stop then set that as your first goal. It will likely take weeks. Do it until 1-2 minutes gets easier. Then up the time and aim for 2-3 minutes. Then up it to 3-4 minutes; then 5-6 minutes; etc. Eventually it'll come. But it won't happen overnight, nor in a week or a month. You just have to stick with it and do it with regularity. Along the way get some experienced assistance to help you refine your stroke. Ask the experienced swimmers at your pool, maybe the aquatics director or a swim coach. Good luck. Dan
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