Swim around Key West

I am a 58 year old lifelong pool swimmer. Last year I completed several 5k open water swims and enjoyed them. I am looking to try the 12.5 mile key west swim and I wonder if it is doable for me. I currently swim about 8000 meters per week and complete one long 5 mile continuous pool swim per month. I average 28 minute miles for the long swim. My work and family commitments will likely prevent me from substantially increasing training mileage. Moreover, my body needs recovery time - roughly 3 days after the long swim - that exceeds that of my training partners. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Got your email. I'll send you a training plan and some info tomorrow from work. You can do this. Don't look at what others have done, look at what YOU CAN do. :)
  • For those looking into it, here's my race report from last year on the USMS blogs. forums.usms.org/entry.php It's a really amazing race and is do-able if you train both your body and your mind for this.
  • Great goal to train for! Check out Dr. Steve White's race report on his Key West swim on Swimspire. Steve is a 3-time Ironman for whom the swim was initially his weak point. Several years later, he is now embracing open water swimming as his favorite part of the triathlon race! His report is very detailed and might be of help in preparing for your swim: www.swimspire.com/.../