Freestyle pull question

Hello, it's been a while since I've been here. Hoping someone can help me with something conceptually. I feel like I've got a decent catch position but I struggle a bit with the pull. I'm trying to understand whether it should feel like I'm pulling water or pushing water back once I get past the catch and start rotating. The difference between the two for me can be as subtle as a the pitch of my hand or how far forward my elbow is. I'm hoping someone can kind of explain to me what it should fee like. I often see video of a sudden scull right after the catch in elite swimmers, and I'm guessing it has to do with some shift between pulling and pushing. For example, when I look at the freeze frames before, it's obvious that in the 3rd photo she is pushing back and in the first photo she is anchoring. Is she pushing backward in the 2nd photo? 919191929193
  • RTodd's description is spot on, although you really need to have the right position and angle in the water, in addition to the proper amount of strength, in order to execute this pull effectively. I like to use the Vasa Swim Ergometer to both practice the proper pull and strengthen the muscles needed for it. I've been writing a weekly blog on my use of the Vasa Erg, if you're curious to find out more:
  • RTodd's description is spot on, although you really need to have the right position and angle in the water, in addition to the proper amount of strength, in order to execute this pull effectively. I like to use the Vasa Swim Ergometer to both practice the proper pull and strengthen the muscles needed for it. I've been writing a weekly blog on my use of the Vasa Erg, if you're curious to find out more:
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