Swimming in the desert

What do I need to know about keeping myself healthy when swimming outdoors in a warm pool with warm air temperatures? Today was my first, outdoor swimming workout in a 25 meter pool. Usually I swim 3,500 yards, 4-5 days/week in a very well maintained indoor pool but have just moved from Virginia to Saudi for several months. Should I have special goggles, wear sunscreen and most importantly should I adjust the intensity of the workout with more rest between sets, and extra water on the side? (I should have checked for flags before doing backstroke, ouch!)
  • You can buy a pool thermometer pretty cheaply. Temperature below 83 Farenheit are fine for almost all work outs. 83-86 are OK for most moderate work outs,but you may need shorter distances and longer rest. Above 86 can get you over heated pretty easily,so definitely shorten your distances and increase your rest.
  • You can buy a pool thermometer pretty cheaply. Temperature below 83 Farenheit are fine for almost all work outs. 83-86 are OK for most moderate work outs,but you may need shorter distances and longer rest. Above 86 can get you over heated pretty easily,so definitely shorten your distances and increase your rest.
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