Swimming in the desert

What do I need to know about keeping myself healthy when swimming outdoors in a warm pool with warm air temperatures? Today was my first, outdoor swimming workout in a 25 meter pool. Usually I swim 3,500 yards, 4-5 days/week in a very well maintained indoor pool but have just moved from Virginia to Saudi for several months. Should I have special goggles, wear sunscreen and most importantly should I adjust the intensity of the workout with more rest between sets, and extra water on the side? (I should have checked for flags before doing backstroke, ouch!)
  • Do what I try to do in the heat of the Arizona sun - swim in the dark. If you have access to pools before the sun rises, that will be your coolest & best time of day to swim. After the sun goes down will be hotter, but you won't have the extra burn of the sun. While I've never had a problem with not enough salt, a lot of runners in the desert I know use salt pills.
  • Do what I try to do in the heat of the Arizona sun - swim in the dark. If you have access to pools before the sun rises, that will be your coolest & best time of day to swim. After the sun goes down will be hotter, but you won't have the extra burn of the sun. While I've never had a problem with not enough salt, a lot of runners in the desert I know use salt pills.
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