Taper time!!!!!

Hi All So with many of you starting or soon to be starting your tapers for your main competition of the season. I thought it would be interesting to hear about certain things you do on taper, or things you don't do. For example during hard training I always take the stairs over the elevator when given the choice. Another one I do is with 2 weeks to go before my taper meet I always wear shoes when I leave the house, no more sandals. I feel my legs are looked after better by walking in shoes than with sandals. Let me know if you have some things in your daily routine that you switch up and why you do it?
  • Yes you still need to care for your body, but try to shut negative thoughts out and not worry about your body feelings till you have arrived at your destination. Enjoy the process and laugh as much as you can, this has a relaxing affect on your body and mind :) My best meet was done when stress was low and spirits were high
  • From my experience with taper, I find people can over think things. Traveling is tiring and if not done properly can affect your taper. But if you plan out your travel and give yourself enough time to relax once you get to your destination, your taper doesn't need to be blown by a day of travel. Drinking lots of water definitely helps! When I travel I just try to relax and not let anything get to me. There will be delays, there will be people who upset you and you will get tired. What helps me the most is that I forget about swimming while I am traveling, I try to not think about the meet till I get to my hotel and then I refocus and work on getting my body feeling good again. Relaxing your brain is the most important part of traveling on taper. Yes you still need to care for your body, but try to shut negative thoughts out and not worry about your body feelings till you have arrived at your destination. Enjoy the process and laugh as much as you can, this has a relaxing affect on your body and mind :)
  • The last week of a taper: - I sleep in and skip morning practices, opting for the evenings instead, the last week of a taper. - I avoid stairs at all costs. - No weights
  • I haven't had to do a full blown taper in a while, but when I did I stopped all strength and conditioning exercises about 3 weeks before the meet. I substituted the strength and conditioning with alot of stretching and daily massages to stay loose and relaxed. If you are going to remove body hair consider getting waxed rather than shaving. Shaving body hair can be one of the most furstrating and exhaustive endeavors before a swim meet. Drink plenty of water, avoid caffine and get plenty of rest (atleast 8-9 hours of sleep a night). From a swimming perspective start dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" in practice. I do agree that you should stay of your feet a day before and during the meet, but a week before a meet seems excessive.