Taper time!!!!!

Hi All So with many of you starting or soon to be starting your tapers for your main competition of the season. I thought it would be interesting to hear about certain things you do on taper, or things you don't do. For example during hard training I always take the stairs over the elevator when given the choice. Another one I do is with 2 weeks to go before my taper meet I always wear shoes when I leave the house, no more sandals. I feel my legs are looked after better by walking in shoes than with sandals. Let me know if you have some things in your daily routine that you switch up and why you do it?
  • Travel isn't going to "blow" one's taper. Sure, you might be a little groggy after spending a few hours in a car or airplane, but you're still tapered. I've flown to Nationals several times and swam events on the same day with no noticeable negative impact on my performance. Traveling internationally where there's a significant time change is going to complicate things, but you're still going to benefit from tapering. You just need to (ideally) arrive a few days before the competition to rest and give your body time to acclimate.
  • Travel isn't going to "blow" one's taper. Sure, you might be a little groggy after spending a few hours in a car or airplane, but you're still tapered. I've flown to Nationals several times and swam events on the same day with no noticeable negative impact on my performance. Traveling internationally where there's a significant time change is going to complicate things, but you're still going to benefit from tapering. You just need to (ideally) arrive a few days before the competition to rest and give your body time to acclimate.
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