Shallow Water Blackout

Shallow water blackout is a potentially deadly consequence of prolonged, repetitive breath-holding underwater. It can strike swimmers of all ages and levels of fitness. Anything from a hypoxic training set, to free diving, to a breath-holding contest underwater, can cause shallow water blackout. I interviewed Rob Sleamaker of Vasa, the company behind the Swim Trainer and the Erg. Rob had a compelling story to tell about shallow water blackout and hopes to raise awareness about this very important issue. Our interview was featured in SwimSwam today. Hope you will take the time to read and spread the word. Thanks!
  • Continuing our efforts to educate the swimming community about shallow water blackout: Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman advocate for the adoption of safety guidelines to prevent shallow water blackout in this newly released PSA. Thanks to SwimSwam for allowing us to educate the swimming community on this important issue and to Vasa for sponsoring the initial three-part editorial series!
  • Continuing our efforts to educate the swimming community about shallow water blackout: Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman advocate for the adoption of safety guidelines to prevent shallow water blackout in this newly released PSA. Thanks to SwimSwam for allowing us to educate the swimming community on this important issue and to Vasa for sponsoring the initial three-part editorial series!
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