Flyers, your help is requested!

Ok, so I have competed at my first meet and am preparing for my next, which will be in mid-November and SCY. At my first meet I competed all stones but fly. I have only competed as a Master (never as a kid) and the swim lessons I took as a kid didn't teach fly (or I didn't make it that far.) That said, I'm just learning fly and finally can put the arms and kick together to make it one length of the pool (25Y, in about 30 sec, creating a bit of wake, etc.) so I have a lot of work to do (I want to compete the 100 IM). My real question is about the start and turn. Is it like freestyle, where you can streamline with dolphin kick as far as 15 meters, or does it have a pull out like *** or other specific rules? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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