Rude Pool People

Everyone here on the boards has way more experience than I do, so I'm looking for advice on how you handle rudeness in the pool. It seems like the summer has taken its toll on me with the number of rude people of all stripes who've been sharing my rec center pool. It's gotten to the point where it's sapped my enjoyment, and I have at times thought about giving up the sport entirely because it's just too much hassle to come home feeling like I've been byatch slapped, run into, pushed against the ropes, told no to lane sharing, and insulted about the way I look in a bathing suit. Yes, I'm too sensitive, that's a fact, but I'm a writer and an artist, so it kind of comes with the territory. I try to shrug these things off, but I get out of the pool depressed and replay incidents in my head. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it. What's supposed to be a nice, relaxing, healthy form of exercise has, over the summer, become something I dread. The lifeguards aren't much help - they don't see most of what's going on in the lap lanes because they're busy watching the kids. I can't count on them to step in. :badday: So I'd like to know if any of you experienced swimmers have dealt with this turning point, and how you kept going.
  • As for growing a thicker skin, perhaps that comes with time, but when someone insults the way you look in your bathing suit, it's pretty hurtful. Even if it's a stranger and they're just being mean. I don't think anyone should have to put up with that. I don't either. I have a feeling you've just got a couple jerks at the pool you swim at. This does not seem like typical behavior, in my experience.
  • As for growing a thicker skin, perhaps that comes with time, but when someone insults the way you look in your bathing suit, it's pretty hurtful. Even if it's a stranger and they're just being mean. I don't think anyone should have to put up with that. I don't either. I have a feeling you've just got a couple jerks at the pool you swim at. This does not seem like typical behavior, in my experience.
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