LITTLE-KNOWN SECRET about 2014 Summer Nationals!

Former Member
Former Member
Guess what? The live streams from the 2014 Summer Nationals are being stored on the USMS YouTube channel. So you can go back and "rewind" through that day's coverage to see your swims! Just click the appropriate day. Here is Day 1, Wednesday, August 13: 1500 Free
  • Also, ElaineK, so glad you got reinstated for your 200 fly. I don't last 25 in the fly--they'd dq me after two strokes! :) So I salute you doing 200 of that Stroke That Chokes Me. Congrats!
  • Also, ElaineK, so glad you got reinstated for your 200 fly. I don't last 25 in the fly--they'd dq me after two strokes! :) So I salute you doing 200 of that Stroke That Chokes Me. Congrats! :smooch: Thanks, Fish! In the end, I feel vindicated, especially since Ed Saltzman (Chief Official) said I didn't deserve the DQ. I may have been exhausted when I swam that race, but I feel good about swimming it legally. (I still can't believe I can actually swim that race!) Next month, I am really looking forward to tackling my first Ironman (200 of each stroke and 400 IM) at a local one-day meet! :banana:
  • These are great, by the way. Thanks for posting!
  • It would be nice if somehow we had had a "highlights" vid of just the WRs and the NRs, individual and relay. There were some truly stunning swims at this meet! Just a thought ... :)
  • Thanks! Tried it tonight and it worked! The Saturday one definitely works, so please try it again. One note: YouTube seems to have an issue with backing up streams more than 4 hours during the day of the stream. Right now on Saturday evening, I can only back up to the medley relays, which are 4 hours before the end of the day. Some time tomorrow it should resolve itself and I'll be able to back up all the way to the beginning of the day. It seems that YouTube does some nightly processing on these files that fixes whatever limitation they have on buffering just 4 hours of a long stream during the day. Also, as Anna Lea said, we're missing most of the men's 200 back from today. Starting at heat 4 or 5 until the end of the men's 200 back, our streaming had stopped and we didn't have anyone available to reset everything and get it going again. Our apologies, these things unfortunately can happen.
  • Also, as Anna Lea said, we're missing most of the men's 200 back from today. Starting at heat 4 or 5 until the end of the men's 200 back, our streaming had stopped and we didn't have anyone available to reset everything and get it going again. Our apologies, these things unfortunately can happen. It was probably my 200 Back that broke it!!!! :)