LITTLE-KNOWN SECRET about 2014 Summer Nationals!

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Former Member
Guess what? The live streams from the 2014 Summer Nationals are being stored on the USMS YouTube channel. So you can go back and "rewind" through that day's coverage to see your swims! Just click the appropriate day. Here is Day 1, Wednesday, August 13: 1500 Free
  • What did they say you did wrong? My worst nightmare would be to get deeked in the 200 Fly :( It's seems inhumane. I think Elaine said it was for an alternating kick. This is a tough one. Your feet do not need to be in the same plane, but they both need to be kicking at the same time. There's probably a bit of a fine line between an uneven dolphin kick and an alternating kick. NEWS FLASH: All of the fly DQ's in the women's 200 fly were OVERTURNED! :banana: Evidently, while I was interviewing my 98 year old teammate for an article, my name was announced over the P.A. to report to the officials desk. I heard about it in the locker room, so I went to see what happened. (Did I also get a DQ in the 400 IM and they didn't tell me earlier??? :eek:) When I arrived, Jim Carey asked to speak with me in a "private discussion." (Uhhh-OHHHH!) He had a very serious look on his face while he escorted me to an office and shut the door. Gulp. :afraid: Paraphrasing what he said, it was basically this: After reviewing yesterday's DQ's in a meeting with the officials, they determined that the DQ's were inappropriate and they decided to remove that official from her position on deck. :woot: They voted to overturn the DQ's! John very sincerely apologized, wished me luck, thanked me for not complaining and filing a protest about my DQ, and gave me a big hug.:bighug: What a class act! :angel: I couldn't wait to go out and hug my teammate/Chief Official, Ed Saltzman, and thank him, too. Now, having said all that, it doesn't change anything for me personally as far as medals go. Even if I had swum my best (Worlds and sightseeing in Quebec has caught up with me and I swam 18 seconds slower than in Mission Viejo! :blush:), I wouldn't have won a medal. My age group had 11 flyers and I came in last. I was the ONLY 200 flyer at Nats. not to win a medal! (Oh well, it's my worst event by far, but I wanted to give it a try here and at Worlds for the sense of accomplishment of conquering a difficult race.) Medal or not, I am a very happy camper, because my record of never getting a DQ in a race is still intact! WooHOOOO!! :bliss:
  • What did they say you did wrong? My worst nightmare would be to get deeked in the 200 Fly :( It's seems inhumane. I think Elaine said it was for an alternating kick. This is a tough one. Your feet do not need to be in the same plane, but they both need to be kicking at the same time. There's probably a bit of a fine line between an uneven dolphin kick and an alternating kick. NEWS FLASH: All of the fly DQ's in the women's 200 fly were OVERTURNED! :banana: Evidently, while I was interviewing my 98 year old teammate for an article, my name was announced over the P.A. to report to the officials desk. I heard about it in the locker room, so I went to see what happened. (Did I also get a DQ in the 400 IM and they didn't tell me earlier??? :eek:) When I arrived, Jim Carey asked to speak with me in a "private discussion." (Uhhh-OHHHH!) He had a very serious look on his face while he escorted me to an office and shut the door. Gulp. :afraid: Paraphrasing what he said, it was basically this: After reviewing yesterday's DQ's in a meeting with the officials, they determined that the DQ's were inappropriate and they decided to remove that official from her position on deck. :woot: They voted to overturn the DQ's! John very sincerely apologized, wished me luck, thanked me for not complaining and filing a protest about my DQ, and gave me a big hug.:bighug: What a class act! :angel: I couldn't wait to go out and hug my teammate/Chief Official, Ed Saltzman, and thank him, too. Now, having said all that, it doesn't change anything for me personally as far as medals go. Even if I had swum my best (Worlds and sightseeing in Quebec has caught up with me and I swam 18 seconds slower than in Mission Viejo! :blush:), I wouldn't have won a medal. My age group had 11 flyers and I came in last. I was the ONLY 200 flyer at Nats. not to win a medal! (Oh well, it's my worst event by far, but I wanted to give it a try here and at Worlds for the sense of accomplishment of conquering a difficult race.) Medal or not, I am a very happy camper, because my record of never getting a DQ in a race is still intact! WooHOOOO!! :bliss:
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