Tips for first meet?

Hello. I will be competing in my first swim meet (ever) at the end of the month. I'd appreciate any tips or advice on how to go in to it. I haven't selected my events (up to five, not counting relays) and have been warned it is a very quick meet. 8 a.m. to about 11a.m. My best stroke is ***, although I'm afraid of the big DQ in that event, since it seems to be such a problem for our kids. Anyway, I'm just feeling really excited, but nervous, and I don't swim with a team, so I'm all on my own and was happy to find these forums for support. So anything you have to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Pick events you are comfortable swimming.If breaststroke is your best event, swim it.If you get DQd then you will learn what not to do for next time.If you are one of those people who don't feel they get their money's worth unless they swim every event possible then enter 5 events.Other wise only enter events where you have enough rest between events.Go there to enjoy the experience.You will be the only one who cares about how you do and everyone should be welcoming.Enjoy.
  • Pick events you are comfortable swimming.If breaststroke is your best event, swim it.If you get DQd then you will learn what not to do for next time.If you are one of those people who don't feel they get their money's worth unless they swim every event possible then enter 5 events.Other wise only enter events where you have enough rest between events.Go there to enjoy the experience.You will be the only one who cares about how you do and everyone should be welcoming.Enjoy.
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