Tips for first meet?

Hello. I will be competing in my first swim meet (ever) at the end of the month. I'd appreciate any tips or advice on how to go in to it. I haven't selected my events (up to five, not counting relays) and have been warned it is a very quick meet. 8 a.m. to about 11a.m. My best stroke is ***, although I'm afraid of the big DQ in that event, since it seems to be such a problem for our kids. Anyway, I'm just feeling really excited, but nervous, and I don't swim with a team, so I'm all on my own and was happy to find these forums for support. So anything you have to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Pick events you are comfortable swimming.If breaststroke is your best event, swim it.If you get DQd then you will learn what not to do for next time.If you are one of those people who don't feel they get their money's worth unless they swim every event possible then enter 5 events.Other wise only enter events where you have enough rest between events.Go there to enjoy the experience.You will be the only one who cares about how you do and everyone should be welcoming.Enjoy.
  • Pick events you are comfortable swimming.If breaststroke is your best event, swim it.If you get DQd then you will learn what not to do for next time.If you are one of those people who don't feel they get their money's worth unless they swim every event possible then enter 5 events.Other wise only enter events where you have enough rest between events.Go there to enjoy the experience.You will be the only one who cares about how you do and everyone should be welcoming.Enjoy. Ditto to everything Allen has said and welcome to the club!
  • I agree with Allen. Given that this is your first meet, and you will be going it alone, you'll need to make sure you don't take on too much. First meets/swims make a lasting impression and you want to leave with a positive feeling and a desire to go for more!
  • At my first masters meet I introduced myself to the meet director and let him know that this was my first meet. He pointed me in the direction of a swimmer that was there for the first time the year before, and twenty years my senior. I made a new swimming buddy for life that I have been able to catch up with at most meets since, and he helped to answer my questions about how the meet would progress and overall encouragement. Make sure to enjoy the experience, make some friends, and not worry too much about your performances - you'll get the opportunity to see how your training is coming along and a starting point for your next event!
  • Thank you all for your input and for being so welcoming. The club where I swim (it's a fitness club and does not have a USMS club) has an adult swimming class that I attended this morning for the first time. The instructor was great and gave me some good tips for improving my stroke techniques. I've already made contact with the meet director, via email, and he has been very helpful and welcoming as well. So I feel good. Still hesitating about what events to enter, but narrowing it down. Thanks again and I welcome any more input, of course!