2 questions

A friend asked me where she can recycle/donate her medals from many years of Masters. I know Casey Claflin (Sarasota Sharks) was also exploring the idea of donating his to an organization. Has any heard of anything? My second question is: Who knows the couple in the FINIS ad photo taken at Santa Clara, on page 17 of the July-Aug. issue of SWIMMER? I think she wore red boots and shirt while watching & waiting for her events. I like to see people in that age group STILL ACTIVE in their sport! :applaud:
  • A friend asked me where she can recycle/donate her medals from many years of Masters. I know Casey Claflin (Sarasota Sharks) was also exploring the idea of donating his to an organization. Has any heard of anything? My second question is: Who knows the couple in the FINIS ad photo taken at Santa Clara, on page 17 of the July-Aug. issue of SWIMMER? I think she wore red boots and shirt while watching & waiting for her events. I like to see people in that age group STILL ACTIVE in their sport! :applaud: I sent this letter to the editor yesterday about that ad :D: "Awww, how sweet!" That was my out-loud reaction when I turned to Page 17 of the new Swimmer Magazine issue. I want to grow up to be just like them! Kudos to FINIS for a wonderful ad that shows respect for our senior citizens, and kudos to Swimmer Magazine for including their ad in your publication.
  • Here's another organization that collects and re-gifts medals to people in hospitals: http://www.medals4mettle.org/ Here's the background: www.medals4mettle.org/history.html While the founder of the organization is a runner and many who donate medals are also, I figure a medal of any kind is a nice morale booster.
  • I'll take some medals.:D But seriously, I loved that photo in the ad. It would make a great poster.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    A friend asked me where she can recycle/donate her medals from many years of Masters. I know Casey Claflin (Sarasota Sharks) was also exploring the idea of donating his to an organization. Has any heard of anything? One idea: Check with a pediatric hospital in your area. Maybe they would give them out to the patients. Another idea: A swimmer friend said that her dad took her old medals off their ribbons and then put the medals into concrete stepping stones for his garden. Kind of like this: www.motherearthnews.com/.../foolproof-reverse-cast-stepping-stones.aspx
  • I donated a bunch of mine to a local organization that serves disabled children and adults. They have a swimming program and said the kids are thrilled to get any kind of medal, although it's nicer to give them generic rather than meet specific ones.
  • a number of years ago i got a donation call from the local Big Brothers Big Sisters org. they wanted money. i asked for what? to buy medals for their track meet. that they dont get big money like special olympics does. i asked how many medals they needed? they guy came out to my house and we went through my box. he asked what i wanted in return as i had enough to provide all of the medals for the entire track meet. my reply was just a couple of pictures of the kids with them. and that was the most rewarding way to "recycle" a boatload of my medals. obvioiusally none of them had swimmers on them. steve
  • special olympics is another option. When I moved out of my parent's house, decades ago, they were stuck with hundreds of trophies & medals left over from my waterlogged youth. With my assent, they eventually donated them all to Special Olympics. Good choice; I've never regretted it. I wish I'd been sharp enough to ask for a few pictures, though. That would have been cool.
  • I donated a bunch of medals to a camp for kids with cancer. They had some swimming events and used the medals for that. The kids were thrilled to get a swimming medal.
  • Thank you for the good ideas to send to my friend for the upcycling and donation of her medals. Anna Lea, I also love the idea of the stepping stones and the article gives great directions.